The project is a continuation of the Arlanda Drivelab project. The goal was to create a sustainable and attractive airport parking for 1,600 cars next to Arlanda Airport with strong visibility from the E4 highway. One of the main questions was how the relatively small visitor building would become visible on the 37,000 m² parking lot. The answer was to integrate the building with the fence facing the highway and make a gesture visible even to cars passing at 100 km/h. From E4an, the house looks like the tip of an aircraft wing. From the parking area, the house serves as a landmark for the visitor.
The parking has been certified in accordance with the international sustainability program CEEQUAL Excellent. The program assesses how well a construction project manages sustainability issues – from the project’s idea stage to the completion of the building.
Project credits:
Architect: BSK Arkitekter – Leo Qvarsebo, Mikael Rosénius, Mantas Nainys
Size: 160 m² building, 37,000 m² parking lot
Developer: Arlandastad Holding AB
Project duration:2016-17